Tangible Interaction with In-Car Smart Intelligence published at AutoUI

Published on: 12th October 2022

As part of a PhD research team sponsored by Bentley Motors, DCA has teamed up on an experimental project to better understand how to utilise Artificial Intelligence to create enhanced comfort experiences in the future.

The results of this work to date have just been shared for the first time at the 14th International ACM Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and can be viewed here.


This project was initially conceived in 2020 by Mohamed Abd El Ghani as part of an ongoing PhD project sponsored by Bentley, which focuses on understanding the application of AI in an automotive setting. Ravi Jani at Bentley, Mohamed and DCA set about trying to understand if Artificial Intelligence has the potential to drive the next level of in car comfort based on the hypothesis that this will require user trust. “Creating a relationship between the user and AI will be fundamental to its success” commented Mohamed.